Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Great Local Experiment

There are many reasons that I'm passionate about getting (preferably organic) fresh food from local farms. Not only does it have waaayyyyy more nutrients, but it supports local agriculture in a way that I think is vital to our country. Not depending on huge farms trying to feed the world puts us in a stronger position to be self-sufficient both on an individual and national level.

Plus, I am sentimental and believe that the decline of family farms is a cultural misfortune. Who wants to go for a "country" drive in the suburbs? But that's what is happening, because too many farmers can't afford to keep farming unless we support them.

I truly believe that changing the way we eat (ie, less grocery store junk) would drastically impact our overall health and well-being.

However, to my chagrin I stopped trying to eat local when the farmer's market shut down for the year. I mean, it's hard, and it takes planning, and I thought I didn't have enough money for it. It's all true, and for a lot of people. That's why I've decided to use 2009 as a "trial" year, in which I explore ways and options to eat healthful local food even on a budget. My first step? Planting our container garden and possibly even marketing some of that in the small town where we live. I intend to see just how far I can take this.

As a heads up, while I plan on going all the way . . . milk, meat, fruit/veggies, honey, flour, etc, I don't think I'm able to give up chocolate. Rather than allowing my local eating beliefs become something akin to a radical religious lifestyle, I choose to look at it as a series of better choices--not an all or nothing stance.

It will be baby steps for a while, but major changes usually are. I think it will be interesting to see how it turns out though. :)

Photo: Nicholas_T

1 comment:

Nicole.Ann said...

Oh la la I can't wait to see how this turns out for you!! I know I can't even begin to do that right now with the constrains of my budget but I do support local farming on the months my paycheck's hard to do it though!!!