"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do."
~Mark Twain
A while ago I made my "bucket list," or things I want to do before I die. I think it's a great idea to brush off all those crazy dreams we have and let them have the option to become a reality. So, here's my top 25 (in no particular order):
1. Get another Harley
2. Go on a cross-country Harley trip
3. Go parasailing
4. Go white water rafting
5. Create a learning environment on our property for other folks interested in farming
6. Visit Prince Edward Island
7. Backpack Alaska
8. Ride Harley on Going to the Sun Road in Montana
9. Volunteer in a different country
10. Snorkel in Australia
11. Go on an African safari
12. Publish a book
13. Create a widely read blog
14. Visit New England in the fall
15. Become sustainable (food and utilities)
16. Build a successful business
17. Support a charity or cause I believe in
18. Go on a cruise
19. Go on a Louisiana glass-bottomed croc boat
20. Learn to live in the moment
21. Visit Glacier National Park
22. Decorate our house the way I like
23. Design the log cabin we want to build
24. Travel the world
25. Farm!
What about you? Do you have any dreams that you've dismissed as impossible? Maybe making a list like this would be liberating -- give it a shot. :)
Photo: faeryboots
~Mark Twain
A while ago I made my "bucket list," or things I want to do before I die. I think it's a great idea to brush off all those crazy dreams we have and let them have the option to become a reality. So, here's my top 25 (in no particular order):
1. Get another Harley
2. Go on a cross-country Harley trip
3. Go parasailing
4. Go white water rafting
5. Create a learning environment on our property for other folks interested in farming
6. Visit Prince Edward Island
7. Backpack Alaska
8. Ride Harley on Going to the Sun Road in Montana
9. Volunteer in a different country
10. Snorkel in Australia
11. Go on an African safari
12. Publish a book
13. Create a widely read blog
14. Visit New England in the fall
15. Become sustainable (food and utilities)
16. Build a successful business
17. Support a charity or cause I believe in
18. Go on a cruise
19. Go on a Louisiana glass-bottomed croc boat
20. Learn to live in the moment
21. Visit Glacier National Park
22. Decorate our house the way I like
23. Design the log cabin we want to build
24. Travel the world
25. Farm!
What about you? Do you have any dreams that you've dismissed as impossible? Maybe making a list like this would be liberating -- give it a shot. :)
Photo: faeryboots
Goals are always good. :-) Especially the ones we want so bad it almost aches that we haven't done them. (I dunno if it's that way for you, but it is for me.)
Thanks for sharing your list!
Humm.. I want to go on a safari, ride a camel, make an impact on someone else life... The list is long but it is always fun to do.
Thanks for sharing.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
The Bucket List movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson offers food for thought.
Another view is to savor wherever you are at a given moment and rediscover "resence."By doing so, part of you raises awareness that spiritual life never ends. What you accomplish in the physical world this time becomes less important if you choose to sense tht learning opportunities are perpetual.
Hi Bri,
I loved this movie, and it did lead me to think about what would be on my bucket list. Thank you for sharing yours - just in writing it down you've given life to these items! Me? I have this idea of writing a book, also. And learning to play the guitar. Those are two biggies right now.
Keep us updated here as you check items off the list...
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