Sunday, July 26, 2009

1 Acre to Feed the Poor

This is exactly what I had in mind with my What If post:

Every Sunday a group of vounteers, many themselves unemployed, gather to conduct an experiment in human compassion, with a goal of cultivating an organic farm in Barrie, Ontario, soley to feed the poor. The project is the brainchild of Andrew Miller, a 30-year old organic farmer, as a reaction to the growing poverty in Simcoe County, north of Toronto. With the help of about 20 volunteers, donated equipment and an acre of land, the plan is to plant mostly root vegetables that are easier to grow and store. The organic produce will then be donated to various food shelters in the county.

Courtesy of: Acres USA
Also: Ontario Organic Farmers Help to Feed the Unemployed

What this world really needs is more human compassion.

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